DIY - zrób to sam


Don’t let your mail just pile up on the counter this year. Use this tutorial by Renee from Bulb to Blossom to turn an old book into an elegant letter holder.
Materials: a book (a smaller hardcover works nicely), craft glue, a sponge brush, a ruler, and a utility knife.
1. First, after separating the book into equal sections, apply glue to the inside of the seam.
2. Use the sponge brush to spread the glue evenly along the seam.
3. Roll the first section of the book inward and press it into the seam, and hold in place.
4. Continue this process for the remaining sections.
5. After the glue has dried, use your ruler and utility knife to score the cover of several times, removing the excess. Do this for the front and back cover.
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