
Best Vacuum Cleaner on The Market

Shark Ion Robot Vacuum R75: Buying Guide

Robot vacuum cleaners are very convenient, but not all of them can result in a wonderful performance. Therefore, make sure to know how to choose the best robot vacuum cleaner to avoid wasting your money. I will ask you some questions in this article to help you pick up a suitable machine.

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Should your robot vacuum cleaner have the stair detection function?

Yes. The majority of robot vacuum cleaners have this standard feature. Specifically, this function helps your robot vacuum sense when it should back off because it has reached a step or a ledge. This prevents your vacuum from a serious tumble, damaging and breaking it. If you find this feature helpful, you can choose shark ion robot 750 robotic vacuum.

Is the virtual wall necessary?

Yes. This means that your device can create an invisible barrier to keep itself from open doorways or any area you don’t want it to enter. 

Do you need programmable times?

This feature allows you to set your robot up a specific time of a day and a week to run. Thanks to this way, it can work while you are not at home, which doesn’t disturb you.

What is automatic docking?

This automatic feature means that your machine itself can come back its dock for charging when the battery is low. Most robot vacuums can do this, but some low-advanced models will stop in the middle of your house because it’s hard to find its way. Thus, what you have to do is to choose an appropriate position of charger and docks for your vacuum as long as it can reach effortessly.

Do you hate the high noise level produced from traditional vacuums?

If yes, a robotic vacuum cleaner is your saver because it works quieter than a standard vacuum. However, it will produce more or less noise. While some robot vacuum cleaners create an annoying high-pitched whistle, other machines come with a mechanical grinding noise.

You can skip this feature if you let your vacuum cleaner work while you are not at home. But, ensure that they don’t bother your neighbours and scare pets. In case you hate the high level of noise, you can select shark ion robot 750 robotic vacuum that works pretty quiet. To learn about it, read shark ion robot r75 reviews here

Do you need the mopping function?

This feature is convenient, but it can’t change a traditional mopping method. I only recommend this function for light stains.

Is a robot vacuum app handy?

You should know that a robot vacuum app is a smart-home appliance, so you can control it through dedicated apps. However, this requires you to make a cleaning schedule.

What can you do with the robot vacuum app?

Here are the most basic features and functions:

Turn the model on and off

Pause the cleaning and vacuuming cycle

Program your cleaning time and frequency

If you own an advanced robot vacuum cleaner, it might be able to:

Give you a map of where it has cleaned

Provide you with cleaning history

Allow manual cleaning

Clean in a specific spot

Show battery status and notifications

Pick For You:

Should you invest in a model with webcams?

If you want, some high-end robot vacuum cleaners can function as a security camera. After logging on, you are able to monitor your house remotely.

Does your vacuum have a remote control?

Most machines have a remote control that allows users to change the settings direct it around.
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