
Ielts Online test

How to deal with IELTS Reading Table Completion Questions

Dealing with IELTS Reading Table Completion Questions involves completing a table based on 

information provided in the passage. Here's a step-by-step strategy to tackle these questions effectively:

Read the Instructions: Start by carefully reading the instructions to understand the specific task. Identify the type of information you need to complete the table.

💯💯💯 Read More: https://linkhay.com/u/ieltstestpro

Skim the Passage: Before focusing on the table, quickly skim through the passage to get an overview of the main ideas, keywords, and the overall structure. Look for headings or key phrases related to the table.

Examine the Table: Take a moment to look at the table itself. Understand its columns, headings, and any labels or units used. Familiarize yourself with the information that needs to be completed.

Read the Headings or Labels: Pay attention to the headings or labels in the table. These usually indicate the categories or types of information you need to fill in. Understand the purpose of each column.

💯💯💯 Read More: https://www.besport.com/user/800048

Identify Keywords: Look for keywords or phrases in both the headings/labels and the passage that indicate the specific information you need to complete each column of the table. These keywords will guide you to the relevant parts of the text.

Start Completing the Table: Begin by reading the passage carefully. For each column in the table, look for information that corresponds to the headings or labels. Extract relevant details and place them in the appropriate spaces on the table.

Use Synonyms and Paraphrasing: Be aware that the passage may not use the exact same words as the headings or labels. Look for synonyms or paraphrased versions of the information.

Pay Attention to Units: If the table includes units of measurement (e.g., percentages, distances, times), ensure that you match the units accurately with the information in the passage.

💯💯💯 Read More: https://www.hahalolo.com/@6375b1c0db218c3c4bb1fad7

Eliminate Wrong Choices: If a piece of information does not fit with a particular column or row, eliminate it as a possibility. Focus on information that aligns with the headings or labels and the context of the passage.

Check for Repetition: Some information may be repeated in different sections of the passage. Ensure that each piece of information is placed where it fits best.

Review Your Answers: After completing the table, review your choices to ensure they accurately represent the information in the passage and are placed in the correct columns.

Time Management: Keep track of your time, as you need to complete all the questions within the allocated time frame.

Practice Regularly: Practice with various passages and tables to improve your ability to complete them accurately and efficiently.

Approaching table completion questions systematically, using keywords, and practicing regularly will help you improve your accuracy and efficiency in completing tables on the IELTS Reading test.
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