

Lovely Dendritic Agate Rings: The Sister Crystal of Moss Agate

Dendritic Agate is generally found in white, grey, or light yellowish-brown color; however, sometimes, it is also found in the shade of light purple. Different varieties of dendritic agate are found in various locations all around the world, some of them mainly being Botswana, India, Turkey, and the United States. While buying dendritic agate jewelry, such as a dendritic agate ring, you must remember one thing: although dendritic agate looks similar to moss agate and tree agate, it’s different from both. When the pattern in the agate is found to be black, it is known as dendritic agate. When the pattern is green, and the agate is translucent, it is called Moss Agate. And when the pattern is green, and the agate is opaque, it is known as Tree agate. Because Dendritic Agate looks similar to Moss Agate and Tree Agate and carries nearly identical energies when compared with both agates, Tree Agate and Moss Agate are known as the sister crystals of dendritic agate.

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