DIY - zrób to sam

Świetne pomysły

Step 1 Mix 1 table spoon of mod podge + 1 table spoon of water + 6 drops of food coloring
(4 blue, 2 green for sea blue, turquoise color)

-The more food coloring the darker the color of the jars
-This mixture is enough to color 5 middle size jars

Step 2 Place your jar upside down on a piece of paper
Using paint brush / sponge apply your mixture on the outer side of your jar
Wait about 5 minutes for the mixture to dry

-Color is not permanent (!) combined with a lot of water it might wash off.
-Painting outer side of the jar will allow you to use it as a vase for the flowers.

Step 3 Place your jar inside the oven on a baking paper for 40 mins -> 200'C / 392 F

-Place the jars when the oven is off and then turn on the temperature
-This will make your jar more 'permanent'
-Don't worry glass is very resistant to heat so it won't break - I checked :)

Step 4 Turn off the oven and wait for the jars to cool off
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